Fascinating read. Growing up, I naturally accepted the Society's assertion that Jesus used God's name, but I never bothered to check it out. But really, I think it makes more sense that he did not. As Metatron accurately points out people listening to Jesus reading were not offended, but instead pleased indicating he did not commit what would have been considered an egregious sin. If Jesus had insisted on using the name of God, it would have detracted from his message. He would have been threatened consistently with stoning, this time by the common people the very people his message was aimed at. It would have been more logical for him to work within the confines of acceptable behaviour of Jewish society so that his message could get out.
Big Tex
JoinedPosts by Big Tex
Why Jesus Avoided God's Name (part one)
by metatron inthe watchtower has often asserted that jesus openly proclaimed.
god's name (jehovah/yahweh) to his listeners.. all the available evidence indicates this is utterly false.. to show why this is so, we must first answer the question:.
the name of god aloud?.
Extraordinary Groups
by Larry ini just finished a book entitled "extraordinary groups - an examination of unconventional life styles," by william m. kephart & william w. zellner (1991).
of course the borg was mentioned, but before i get into that i just want to thank ???
( i forgot her name) for mentioning the oneida community in a previous thread, which sparked my interest in that community and lead to the purchase of the book :) .
Big Tex
Yeah I'm kind of surprised they took a stand on the Equal Rights Amendment. I don't remember that, but then I was just a kid in the 70's. I didn't think they took positions on a purely political matter.
DF = DA = non-assocciation?
by truman ini was wondering if anyone else is feeling it on the wind that there seems to be a coming.
equivilency between officially disassociating onesself, and simply being in a state of.
non-association as a walkaway, fade-out, inactive person.
Big Tex
But I guess that's my concern Metatron. I'm afraid they won't ever realise not to treat people so badly. For the past 20 years or so, the attitude seems to be that people are a dispensable product. They seem to feel like this: "Let's use them until WTS is done with them, and then throw them away." A McDonald's philosphy if you will. People become disposible and expendable so that the unfeeling corporate behemoth can continue. Where it will end, if it ever does, I don't know.
C.O. Reports: JWs/WTS "Reach Critical Mass...
by BitterTruth injehovah's witnesses/wts have reached "critical mass" - says ex-circuit overseer.
------posting copied from h2o-----.
posted by xelder [seeker4] on july 13, 2000 at 12:00:52 {rn3hpwrs1eubi2tgjvegd9bhhxgwag}:.
Big Tex
Is that for me? I hope not. I'm not a JW.
Going Through A tough time
by Xandria ineveryone seems to be "normal" now.. while all this was going on ( and even now) i have been going through one of the most worse times.
just keep me in your thoughts and if you do pray.
Big Tex
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for this. I know a little bit about RSD from some work I did at an insurance defense law firm; it was my job to transcribe most of the interview and deposition tapes and I learned how incredibly painful this condition can be. It is no wonder that you are feeling depressed. It is so easy to feel overwhelmed in the situation your in. Please know that I will say a prayer for you and your husband and I truly hope you get a proper settlement soon.
It may be raining, but there's a rainbow above you . -- Desperado, The Eagles
Ever Shun a JW?
by larc inmy jw sister and i are on good terms, and i talk to her on a regular basis.
on the other hand, i have a jw cousin who i hope never to talk to again.
i have only seen her once in 30 years and that was at my sister's daugher's wedding.
Big Tex
My dad, his second wife and my two very strange sisters.
Days I'm THANKFUL for!
by Nanoprobe intoday my child is looking for a job.
child was born and raised in the truth(tm) .
today i'm thankful that child's resume reads: .
Big Tex
WOW! Congrats! This is what I'm hoping for with Jackson and Jennie. I'd love for them to go to SMU so they could stay in their rooms at home (and save some money). That is fantastic.
Super Bowl Predictions
by WildTurkey in.
im a huge cowboy fan but i dont think they will make it to the super bowl, damn sure would love to be wrong.
ok here is who i think as of right now pittsburgh stealers and san francisco 49ers and god i hate them both, well thats my pick how about you?
Big Tex
I like the Eagles, but outside of Donovan McNabb who do they have on offense? I know they just signed Antonio Freeman, but he's going to take a few games to get up to speed. And what about their running game? Can Duce Staley still do it? He doesn't seem the same since the knee injury. I think they'll certainly win the NFC East, and probably go 11-5, but I can't see them get past the Rams, the Packers or even Tampa Bay.
The Last to be Resurrected :-(
by Lefty inof course i know that many of you here do not believe in the bible and its promise of a resurrection.
some of you do not even believe in a creator.
but those of you apostates that still do believe in a resurrection back to life, you would no doubt agree that not everyone of those who are resurrected will come back to life all at once.
Big Tex
Main Entry: multiple personality
Function: noun
Date: 1901
: an hysterical neurosis in which the personality becomes dissociated into two or more distinct but complex and socially and behaviorally integrated parts each of which becomes dominant and controls behavior from time to time to the exclusion of the others -- compare SCHIZOPHRENIA , SPLIT PERSONALITYI'm Friday aka Yadirf aka Lefty
Switch to the decaffeinated when taking the Prozac.
by Curyus inhi i've tried several times to post my not so now i'm going shorten it to i beleave that people go to the hall w/good intentions & strong beliefs which i have no problem with that in itself but i cant measured what 1 indivudual should or should not be doing.
i don't think that these same people would show up to evrery 5 meeting every week if they thought it was all a crock.
anyway, we must be careful beause what's good for the gander is not neccessarily good for the ganer.
Big Tex
All numbers starting with 4 have changed to 5.